Hello- I'm the CEO and Founder of Superforce, an entertainment/media independent company, and owner of many different websites and online businesses.
I dedicate this site to the Memory of Michael Jackson, and to all the fans, and to his real children, and all his children of the world.
ONLY $2.00/Donation Michael Jackson Digital Art Proceeds for Charity
You will receive the Full Hi-Resolution 16"x 9" Digital File, without the Watermark, upon completion of Donation Process, and also receive an invoice stating you donated to this Charity (at your request). Scroll Down More for a Detailed Post
With Never-Before-Heard Mixes and Remixes, and an entire show dedicated to MJ. (Superforce™ Exclusive)
Radio Broadcast Tribute To MJ - Superforce™ Radio
[You may make a donation of any amount and we will split it 50/50 for the "Heal The World" Foundation and the other half to keep Networks like ours alive (that want to make differences, and not just a 'money-machine') You will be sent the link where you can download this ENTIRE MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE BROADCAST, filled with MIXES, REMIXES, even UNHEARD BEATS and MICHAEL JACKSON Inspired Instrumentals!!] OUR NON-PROFIT DONATION SITE
He was a star and now he is a real star in the void of space, out there in the universe, in the form of shiny energy orbiting around the harmonic echoes of his own songs bouncing around space & transmitted beyond dimensions, basking in his eternal bliss.
For me it started like at age 6 at a wedding party with family that I was taken to as a child- and on one of those 'wondering around the dancefloor' moments, I busted a move- and I still remember LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY what my Nana whispered to my Mom, (in spanish) "Mira! Iso como Mico Yackson!"- which translated to English would mean, "Look! He's acting like Michael Jackson" because I grabbed my crotch on one of the moves, kicked and posed- to impress the girls, you know!
I mean...just look at this guy's rhythm tuned achievement...he just goes with the flow.
(This is one version of 80 [Keep In Mind] from the 90's Dangerous Tour - 80 Shows!)
He is Michael Jackson, the kid, the brother, the son, the legend, and at last, the father.
He is far now, yet close because he was so big, it's very hard to not see any signs of him in our daily lives.
Whether it's a song you hear, a style of clothing you see, or a gesture of kindness that reminds you of his generosity, he is still everywhere, and very NEAR. (If not closer to each and everyone one of us)
As a very observative person and thoroughly educated in theology, world religions, and the sciences, I have finally reached my last conclusion on the Michael Jackson Saga.
First of all, there are two sides to every coin, so I will pay respects to that, however, I will also write as a real human being and base all my writing on facts, data collected, memories, and my own divine thoughts that we all can have if we open our minds.
About the criticsof Michael Jackson, there is a saying that goes, -
"The loudest boos always comes from those in the free seats."
Some people who are not happy just don't want to hear happy stories of other people, and tend to say things they probably don't really mean.
Thus, to quickly eliminate the actualsubject on Criticism, I'm reminded of anotherquote-
"Tall Trees Catch Much Wind."
Here's one last comment on the NEGATIVE aspects that were thrown to MJ [in the most down-to-earth most realistic way I can explain it]
(Mild Graphic Content Portion. Readers Discretion is Advised)
If you still think he was a child molester, EXPLAIN this-
With all the money he had and all the places he had been in the world, don't you think if he wanted to molest teenage boys he would have perhaps purchased some poor kid from some foreign country and kept him in seclusion somewhere (as has happened in similar cases in the headlines recently with the woman who was raped and kept captive for 15 years) for his own sexual deviances?
Do you think with all the power and money, and if he really was like that way, that he would have taken the risk of molesting ANYONE and put himself in that position?
Don''t you think he knew that he was"THE Michael Jackson", and therefore his priorities and obligations? Didn't he fullfill them by giving over 300 Million dollars OF HIS OWN MONEY to charities, not to mention funds his name and affiliation have been able to raise, which equal to around 1 Billion dollars of money TOTAL. A billion that one single man raised to GIVE, aside from his pocketed Income.
There is NO DOUBT that he was THE TALLEST TREE, in my mind, and in the minds of Millions of Fans, thousands of Friends, hundreds of Personal Connections (Berry Gordy, Quincy, MacaulyCulkin, Diana Ross, Usher, etc.), nor is there any doubt in the minds of his family.
He was one of the Biggest Starsof all time- and to use the term "was" is a crucial reminder!
There was so much more left to the Jackson Saga. We all wondered what he would look like in 20-30 years, right? Would he still have been skinny, or would he have gotten a little plumper?
We all wondered, and now it's like he has just frozen, and just a print of a memory.
I created the blog after his death, as opposed to before, because before he passed away, HE WAS THERE- He was always there, and I always knew every now and then, he'll POP up and surprise me with a New Song Venture, or how he bought a country, or something MJ-Like.
Nonetheless, he was There.
Then he's gone (too soon) and I was compelled to quickly offer what I love about Michael Jackson- Music, Charity, Fun, and Greatness!
I now felt since there is a CONFIRMED absolute ZERO chance of me ever having some kind of interaction with the King of Pop again in my life, I felt I had to claim my spot as a Jackson supporter.
I created a mix in 1 day, on the Thursday for my show on Friday, that was then Flagged by the general manager at the radio station as too many songs too quick to be approved (FCC rules and such). So I had to chop the mix again and re-produce my entire 1 hour show, 3 hours before showtime! Two versions came out from that moment.
Another Mix was created by The Superforce Music Factory on the week leading to his birthday. The Michael Jackson Birthday Finale (or 30 Minutes With Michael as it was previously going to be named before the big birthday thing), second mix, put all my heart and little things I have created inspired by Jackson into it, and also offered my Tribute in this way.
*All broadcasts containing the mixes are here on this site. Any specific mix can be purchased under the condition that you formally understand that the proceeds will be documented to go to charities, and the "purchase" is really a Donation.
Speaking of CHARITY, another big component of MJ, he inspired me- in a FLASH- to GIVE and to HELP!
I don't know how many emails I sent, and how many posts I made, but I managed to pull through and raise awareness of the rewards of kindness, but was not very successful in raising ACTUAL FUNDS for some Charity.
People failed to Trustthe Kindness, and instead Used The Kindness to Empower themselves, but did not Give where it Counts.
Thisresulted in only 3 people (out of 400 Visitors who read the Message) actually trusting me in that I am a decent human, who can create, coordinate, and follow-thru as promised, with a genuine task of Kindness, such as the one I took on.
I was supported by few, and scrutinized by many, and it taught me (in a VERY small sense in comparison) of the scrutiny MJ himself may have received- multiplied by 10,000!
I did my part, and I thank those who helped, and encouraged me along the way!
I'm very Grateful to have persons like you. Thank you.
There were so many who heckled, defamed, and stifled my actions in trying to raise awareness through this blog, and quickly were to judge and rule that it was to make money off the man. It was sickening, it was horrible, and Michael went through all that every day, think about it- being called BAD when all you want to do is GOOD.
We are ALL, in a sense, children of MJ, that is why I created this BLOG and CALLED it that.
However let us not forget his true children, and family.
Paris, Prince, Blanket, his real children, was his final wish come true. He said it made him feel "normal", and that's all he ever wanted. That makes it even more evident that he indeed was gone "too soon", before he actually really started enjoying other moments with his kids.
Michael Jackson eventually was going to adopt one kid from every country, but he first wanted His Own. He died as a Child-Dad, if I may say so- meaning a young father, barely with enough wind behind his sails on his ship of fatherdome, with so much more left to give to world, not JUST MUSIC.
Never will we see Michael the Father of a Graduating College Student or Michael the Old Man giving away his beautiful daughter at her wedding, or Michael- period.
All those factors, his habits and antics, and the aura of greatness that surrounded Michael, is a sign of his premature departure's significance, and how it has affected everyone differently, but in a common way.
From 60 year olds to 6 year olds, now when he has passed is when he gets his full credit. Only half of the people that 'popped up' AFTER he was gone would dare to say they Liked Him WHILE he was Alive!
When people would shuffle through my iPod and see MJ songs before he died, they would say, 'Why do you have so many Michael Jackson songs?'
My answer, "Not 'so many', but all his songs."
Those same people now "love" Jackson, and claim to "always have", and it's just really funny to see that the only way someone will admit they like something is if everyone else likes it too.
Many people were not exposed to Michael Jackson fans, or Vice Versa, to be able to raise the awareness of his music, as was raised around the time of his passing. This explains why so many sales were made after his death- it was people realizing, "Hey wait a minute, this guy is A LEGEND and People LOVE Him!"
I told you everybody! I always have said it and I'll say it again, to conclude-
Michael Jackson is not a child molester, a freak, a homo, a brat, the list goes on of the horrible things people who didn't even know him "claimed" he was.
Michael was a kid who was raised properly, under the strict guidance of his father and the loving care of his mother, with his brothers and sisters at his side.
Michael, who gave up everything he had, his freedom, his childhood, his loving, in order to realize the vision his father had of him, and grew out of that shadow, and became A SUPERSTAR.
Does this kid at the top of the staircase look like a child-molester?
He had the chance to give it all up- to notput onThe Glove....to notdo The Moonwalk, andhechoseto go out on that stageas A Manand doa little song & dance number that Skyrocketed him intoOrbit!
He stood out from the the rest at an early age, and at the age of 50, had the mind of an innocent young boy- which got him into trouble in the eyes of those who are not-so innocent.
Any person raised in the matter he was, would be a childish adult and not-so-normal!
Michael Jackson turned 18 at 35, simply put.
Because he was 'this way', and had money to do whatever he wanted, the media would "catch a wiff" of anything he did and put their own 'spin' on it.
At the age of 50, he was still going Toe-to-Toe with each and everyone of those young and more youthful dancers in the AEGO Arena rehearsals.
The video, unfortunately, will be released. Keep in mind...that man was 50.
Let's put this to rest....keep his Legacy ALIVE the way it was intended to be, and remember the saying whenever you hear someone scrutinize, criticize, and slander MICHAEL JACKSON...
My Final Thought
Michael was a perfectionist who admired beautiful people and had a very good taste for life. In celebration of his memory, I will always play Michael's music for the rest of my life, and always have tons of stories to go behind each one; stories of Mike, and my own certain personal stories around the time certain songs were released.
I will share my knowledge and stories of him looking thru his Opus someday when I'm a father to my own children in one of my educative lessons passed down generation to generation. I will explain to them how he grew up, how he turned into a solo artist, then the stories of progression, and how evil people turned against him and he was shamed injustly and all his "friends" abandoned him, and how he still managed to make it through the fire, ALWAYS, and what he really did for mankind.
People call him a musician, and entertainer...he was both....and the reason he was entertaining was because he was a performer as well as a muscian. Performers don't come easy now' a days!
Hopefully, blanket if you are hearing or reading this, or any of his other children (because you're such smart children and I'm eventually you will seek for more knowledge on your own daddy- maybe trying to fill a void), hear this- Your daddy was so big, that he was given the title King of Pop. He has called you royal-like names because he was American Royalty.
One of you, MUST TAKE THE THRONE and we will all be waiting right here, with your daddy looking down from up there, ready to give you the love He gave us, in return to you since he is no longer here to give it himself- I Promise. WEPromise Promise!!
Words to be translated and spread around the world that bring joy, is where he is.
"The only one approved by Michael Jackson, and actually approved by the Estate.
He was reportedly working on this book during the finaly days before he passed away, as an ongoing masterpiece which he wanted to make his legacy, and share his own items from his private vault.
This reminds me about that Madonna sex book craze in the 90's only Artist related. I predict it will be sensational!"
The first new book about Michael Jackson sanctioned by his estate will be published Dec. 7, and it promises to be as razzle-dazzling as the late pop icon himself.
Kraken Opus, whose opulent publications focus on major figures and brands in sports and the arts, begins accepting pre-orders today for The Official Michael Jackson Opus at michaeljacksonopus.com, michaeljackson.com and through Ticketmaster. The oversized, 400-page tribute will be driven by photos but also will include essays, illustrations and poetry, at least half of it exclusive — all handbound in leather and enclosed in a silk clamshell case.
Where other projects have been priced at more than $2,000, the Jackson book will cost $165. "Michael wanted this to be accessible to as many people as possible," says Kraken CEO Karl Fowler.
Kraken reached out to Jackson last year through the singer's attorney Peter Lopez. "We wanted to tell the behind-the-scenes story of Michael Jackson the entertainer," Fowler says. The plan was to include Jackson's concerts at London's O2 Arena, which were set to start in July.
While Jackson was in rehearsals, he invited Kraken executives to his house in Los Angeles. When Fowler mentioned they were working on a Disney Opus, Jackson reacted "like a boy in a sweet shop. He asked if he could contribute and get a copy."
Lopez says Jackson was impressed by the Opuses' "sense of grandeur" and "expressed a definite desire to get on board." But Lopez and Kraken were still in negotiations when Jackson died June 25, which required the company to seek approval from his estate — and amend its strategy.
The chronicling of the London performances "will be sorely missed," Fowler says. "But everyone involved in that tour wants to take part."
Celebrities and insiders who knew and worked with Jackson also are expected to contribute. "We're asking people to write a sentence, a paragraph or a chapter," says Kraken's Jeff Wald. "We expect a huge turnout."
All books include Michael Jackson Opus Reality membership, which provides access to interactive footage with periodic updates.
Five copies signed by a variety of famous fans will be auctioned to benefit five charities favored by Jackson.
It was a well supported radio broadcast that opened the gates to an ingenious project of a musical medley compiled of all styles of songs from the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
By coincidence we just happen to have a slot on the day of his birthday, and also had our slot immediately following the death of Michael Jackson.
Which is why we found it only fair to Broadcast MJ Style and give our contributions to how the legacy reached us. It is in our very DNA, music in general, real and nostalgic when heard. There's something about harmonies and tunes that we remember which makes us feel "something".
We rocked to the break of Midnight then Proacted and Moved On with the next set of duties (heading on the road, magic stage productions, and also graphic and design and prmotional services and consulting). The Deatails and Better info on The Superforce Radio GO HERE.
We have Three official CONSTITUENTS, the FIRST PEOPLE TO DONATE, who wish to remain anonymous, but Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!
You are truly noble, honorable, and deserve mentions.
Let us know if you want us to make a post back to your website, or anything like that.
Your DIGITAL ARTWORK has already been sent!
Also, to Leo, Thank You for your contribution, even though you did not need the File.
"Remember, the Reason Michael Jackson made it to where he made it was Giving."
He gave his Art, Music, Talent, and His Money (over 300 million dollars of it) to Charities!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Another ALERT!!
This SITE, after a little over One Month up and operating, with over 300 visitors, HAS NOT RECEIVED ONE POOR PENNY!!
Really?! You Can't afford the whopping $2.00?
This is a Good thing, PEOPLE!
-You get the satisfaction and credit for a Donation.
- Worldwide Relief (Don't Get This Charity CONFUSED w/ the "Only for Africa" charity)
-Do you know the difference just $300 would make for these populations?
-That's notebooks for poor kids in Guatemala
-Vaccines for Sick babies in African Villages
where there are NO HOSPITALS, just a Village Doctor!
- Even Funding for US Kids suffering from Poverty (Yes, U.S. has Poverty TOO!)
-Dramatic reduction in abject poverty,
-The Continuance of Michael Jackson's giving example
(Rare that you are even getting something in return for a Donation)
"1 Single Dollar + 1 Single Buck = HAVE A HEART"
"...there are solutions to these problems, and that if many people proactively engage in solving them, the problems will disappear into history."
To that Visitor who is on this SITE just to get Michael Jackson updates, stuff, news, or updates- we thank you -that's fantastic!
But do you know if each Visitor would've donated their part, The Charity would have already raised over $300
COME ONE!!Where is the Love?
Where is the "Giver in you" which you most likely consider yourself?
It's ONLY Two-Dollars, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Again, 2single dollars!
Dig in your couch, for God's Sake!
If by 8-10-09, nobody has donated, the new donation amount shall be increased and DOUBLED, in order to make up for GREED and PASSIVE JUDGEMENTS made about OUR GOAL HERE!
We have a great Fundraiser, a great reward, a righteous cause, and our passersby attention,
If you think that 2 Washingtons is Too Much for a Good Cause, Read the Next Blog Post and UNDERSTAND THE QUOTES'Meanings,
before you brush off this opportunity under the excuse that "Times Are Bad, and you Can't Give"
For The Close Up Of The Digital Art you Receive in Return for your donation,
Let me remind you of a Winston Churchill Quote that comes to mind-
"It is certainly more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive."
"It's easy to have principles when you are rich. The Important Thing is TO HAVE PRINCIPLES when you are Poor."
"Take a Minute to Think about Everything Created from only One Mind."
Michael Jackson was an excellent example of how we can all be great Humanitarians. Although we all may not have the riches of such a star, we can still give our own fair generous share, one piece at a time. If we can all combine our strengths and powers, we ALL can help reach those Less fortunate than Us.
This Digital Art is being sold for a mere $2.00.
50% of the proceeds are for Charity (this is the main reason we do this).
The other 50% of the proceeds go right back into making more artwork like this, maintenance of our Network, and basically to keep companies like this alive.
COME ON! We need your Help. Please Give Your Share, we even offer you back something!
Where else can you support a Charity
and feel joy for doing so, and RECEIVE something for a Donation?!
Once you make the donation, you are required to send an email stating you have done so within 1 hour so that we may verify and confirm it.
Once CONFIRMED, we will then immediately send you a Full Resolution 16"x 9" digital file-
(File: jpeg or other specified format file you wish, without the "superforce image copy" watermark.)
Superforce Network understands the agreements proclaimed on this site and agree to abide by and follow through with all claims made on this site.
Superforce Network solely holds responsibility for the proper and total transfer of funds raised for the charity (Heal The World Foundation), and therefore is liable for proper transfer of fund collected to the charity by no later than the Dealine Day for this Fundraiser (December 1, 2009).
Any person making a donation understands the above-mentioned conditions, and is therefore entitled to a.) recognition of a donation to a charity, and b.) one Hi-Resolution 16x9 digital file title, "One Mind's Potential", a commemorative Artwork in honor of Michael Jackson.
Constituentsretained the right to ask for a form of transcript/document stating that a $2.00 donation was made to The Superforce Non-Profit sponsored fundraiser for the Heal The World Foundation, should the constituent need such document for tax deduction purposes.
The story behind this Digital Art Piece
(Michael Jackson Art)
It is titled, "The Potential of One Mind".
As the title suggests, it's an expression of the mind, and homage to the capabilities of the human mind, and the imagination more importantly.
The eyes cruise up the Smooth Criminal while observing the beauty just within that section, as your eyes are directed up the beam of color light rays and explode on the towering images of Michael Jackson, in many famous poses.
If you look carefully, the images of Michael Jackson in different poses form an ominous letter "M", by careful integration of placement of the images (legs intertwined).
The images ultimately lead to the final pose image of Michael Jackson in the Billie Jean pose, on the top-right portion of the piece, in an artistic interpretation of him at the bottom of the ascending stairs in to clouds.
*You also see the Image & Text "Fig. 6", which is one of the images from the patent Michael Jackson and company invented for the Smooth Criminal theatrical performances (another illustration of 'the potential of one mind').
This digital art piece was created in honor of the human condition, and as a reminder of
how worlds are created FIRST AND FOREMOST in
Here's an excerpt from the Heal The Word Foundation website:
"Heal the World regrets to report that various sources of funding have been affected by the current financial crisis. However, we see this as an opportunity to become better at maximizing what we have been given to help those in need."
This cannot be more true now...please help out.
If you need to speak with us to verify anything,
you may do so simply by calling 1-888-856-3330 and stating your purpose.
We Thank You in Advance, and you are welcomed to donate more if you wish.
Regardless, it will always be split 50/50 in the way stated above, we promise this, and we will honor this, and publicly declare this herein.
We all could be doing a little more for Our World, just look at the example of Michael Jackson.
Help us grow in order to be able to give back to the World, in the most maximum way. WE DECLARE that all statements here will be honored and this site is our declaration that all profits are for & in good faith, and 50% of funds raised go directly to CHARITY & 50% to Keep organizations like ours alive!
We Fully Understand there are malicious people with malevolent intent out there, and we just had to state the above statement in hopes of establishing tranquility among the people, and the loyal, real fans of Michael Jackson.