Are There Any GIVING People Left In This World!?
Let me remind you of a Winston Churchill Quote that comes to mind-
"It is certainly more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive."
"It's easy to have principles when you are rich. The Important Thing is TO HAVE PRINCIPLES when you are Poor."

"Take a Minute to Think about Everything Created from only One Mind."
Michael Jackson was an excellent example of how we can all be great Humanitarians. Although we all may not have the riches of such a star, we can still give our own fair generous share, one piece at a time. If we can all combine our strengths and powers, we ALL can help reach those Less fortunate than Us.
This Digital Art is being sold for a mere $2.00.
50% of the proceeds are for Charity (this is the main reason we do this).
The other 50% of the proceeds go right back into making more artwork like this, maintenance of our Network, and basically to keep companies like this alive.
COME ON! We need your Help. Please Give Your Share, we even offer you back something!
Where else can you support a Charity
and feel joy for doing so, and RECEIVE something for a Donation?!
You may find our Non-Profit
Sector Page here: Our Non-Profit Sector
On that page is also where you make your $2.00 donation, PayPal verified and secure.
The Superforce™ Network ( Our Network Page )
Once you make the donation, you are required to send an email stating you have done so within 1 hour so that we may verify and confirm it.
Once CONFIRMED, we will then immediately send you a Full Resolution 16"x 9" digital file-
(File: jpeg or other specified format file you wish, without the "superforce image copy" watermark.)
Superforce Network understands the agreements proclaimed on this site and agree to abide by and follow through with all claims made on this site.
Superforce Network solely holds responsibility for the proper and total transfer of funds raised for the charity (Heal The World Foundation), and therefore is liable for proper transfer of fund collected to the charity by no later than the Dealine Day for this Fundraiser (December 1, 2009).
Any person making a donation understands the above-mentioned conditions, and is therefore entitled to a.) recognition of a donation to a charity, and b.) one Hi-Resolution 16x9 digital file title, "One Mind's Potential", a commemorative Artwork in honor of Michael Jackson.
Constituents retained the right to ask for a form of transcript/document stating that a $2.00 donation was made to The Superforce Non-Profit sponsored fundraiser for the Heal The World Foundation, should the constituent need such document for tax deduction purposes.
The story behind this Digital Art Piece
(Michael Jackson Art)
It is titled, "The Potential of One Mind".
As the title suggests, it's an expression of the mind, and homage to the capabilities of the human mind, and the imagination more importantly.
The eyes cruise up the Smooth Criminal while observing the beauty just within that section, as your eyes are directed up the beam of color light rays and explode on the towering images of Michael Jackson, in many famous poses.
If you look carefully, the images of Michael Jackson in different poses form an ominous letter "M", by careful integration of placement of the images (legs intertwined).
The images ultimately lead to the final pose image of Michael Jackson in the Billie Jean pose, on the top-right portion of the piece, in an artistic interpretation of him at the bottom of the ascending stairs in to clouds.
*You also see the Image & Text "Fig. 6", which is one of the images from the patent Michael Jackson and company invented for the Smooth Criminal theatrical performances (another illustration of 'the potential of one mind').
This digital art piece was created in honor of the human condition, and as a reminder of
how worlds are created FIRST AND FOREMOST in
Here's an excerpt from the Heal The Word Foundation website:
"Heal the World regrets to report that various sources of funding have been affected by the current financial crisis. However, we see this as an opportunity to become better at maximizing what we have been given to help those in need."
This cannot be more true now...please help out.
If you need to speak with us to verify anything,
you may do so simply by calling 1-888-856-3330 and stating your purpose.
We Thank You in Advance, and you are welcomed to donate more if you wish.
Regardless, it will always be split 50/50 in the way stated above, we promise this, and we will honor this, and publicly declare this herein.
Best Wishes,
The Superforce™ Network